It’s been a bleary-eyed, frantic morning and you’ve got to be out the door in two minutes, bub in tow. Nappies? Check. Change mat? Yep. Dummy (aka silencer)? Tick. Bottle? Uh-huh. Wipes? Maybe. Bib, sippy cup, spoons, food, formula, toys, ALL THE THINGS…ahh, the dreaded, never-ending checklist. Your mortal enemy when you and your mini-me are prepping for a day out, or even just a quick duck out to the shops. Let alone when you’re in a hurry.
Mums, dads, grandparents, caretakers…PSA: Meet your saving grace. The LaTASCHE Vogue nappy backpack. A serial multi-tasker that’s deceivingly compact with its generous storage compartments, and still has the looks.
The Vogue is based on the popular Urban. This 25L nappy bag has 16 storage pockets, 3 extra-large bottle pockets, all housed in a durable, high quality and waterproof design – your future BFF packs a punch (and a whole lot more).
Featuring a whale-mouth pocket with a built-in metal frame that holds itself open to provide a panoramic view of the contents, the LaTASCHE Vogue backpack works hard for you and your bub.
Throw in your MacBook, phone keys, baby bibs, nappies, toys, ALL THE THINGS, and you’re set to go. Grocery run or three-day hiking trip (gee, you’re game), it’s the must-have nappy bag that keeps you organised while on the go. Sanity? Check.